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Norwegian Sea
A South African's thoughts and experiences up north

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Quiet Time, Though The Sea Is Harsh

Nothing happened today. Nothing.  I'm not bored yet, its hard to be when you just sit for a second and think about where you are.  And that is certainly remote.  Halfway between Norway and Greenland, perched atop a boundless ocean at the peak of the spinning globe.  I haven't seen land for days, not a single passing ship on the water, nor a plane in the sky. Haven't seen any fish either.  Another 3 whales were spotted this morning, along with a large pod of dolphins, but again I was sleeping. This afternoon I spotted a bright pink buoy. That's all I have seen.  It was a surprise, a sudden bobbing bright pink thing.  It has been suggested to me that this may have been a hallucination from staring into the blue.  But Bram also confirmed the sighting. Although, he could have been hallucinating too.
Lonely Seas
For the last day or so we have had a 4m swell and pretty strong winds.  Its not unbearable, but certainly difficult to focus on much else as you are swaying around, constantly.  Sleeping is more challenging too. I have tried to capture the sea's swell and its effect on our ship with photos, but have failed.  The roughness of the waves, the semi-regularness, they way the ship bounces off of them, its difficult to describe let alone photograph.  Also it has been cloudy of late so the light hasn't been ideal. The shot above is an attempt, as are the ones below. I will keep trying.
Rough Seas
Wonky Horizon
The shot(s) above was taken as I sat perfectly still on my seat and took the same shot repeatedly.  I was hoping to get a bit more of an horizon effect (if you click on it you can see it better).  I leave you with an Arctic sunset/rise, taken at 1am this morning:
Early Morning Sunsetrise

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