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Norwegian Sea
A South African's thoughts and experiences up north

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Looking Scientific

In response to an earlier blog entry, I have received a query from a certain sister-in-law.  It pertains, I think, to my bulleyes prowess and mastery of the gym enviornment:

"My question is this: could you hit a moving ping-pong ball, with 50% of the darts whilst trying out the upside-down balance trick on the rings (as depicted in your gym’s instructional images) ?"

I have been assured that a trained monkey could probably do this.  I must admit, I probably couldn't.  This is yet another area where a well-trained monkey could replace me.  However, I do feel that I still have an edge when it comes to looking like I am doing something at least vaguely scientifically important.
Looking Scientific
And I don't shit in the office.

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