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Norwegian Sea
A South African's thoughts and experiences up north

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Ocean TV

Here I am turning 31.  Everyone else was asleep (except the required crew to make sure we go in the right direction and don't sink) so I went out on deck in the wind and admired the view as the ship rocked wildly in the swell.
Turning 31
Over the last couple of weeks I've rediscovered the hypnotic pleasure of watching the ocean.  At first glimpse it is just a large, monotonous expanse of water.  But the ocean has so many sides to it, and it is constantly changing.  It's like a sea version of 'bush TV', but instead of staring at the dancing of flames in a campfire, you stare at the motion of the ocean. 'Ocean TV'.  And every now and again it throws up something different, a spark of life: a whale, a dolphin, birds, a rainbow...

Here's a few channels I flipped through:
Fair Weather
Cold, Snowy Weather
Changing Weather
Rough Seas
This was the first Orca I have seen not in an aquarium, jumping for my entertainment.  It was with a pod of 6 or 7 others, very near to the ship.  It looked like they may be in the process of feeding, ironically on herring.  The photo is a bit grainy because after watching them a while I ran in to tell the others and to fetch my camera.  The ship is current steaming down south at about 10 knots, which is far quicker than a feeding Orca, so by the time I got back they were lying in our wake.  I have met people who say the name 'killer whale' is undeserved because there is no recorded instance of Orcas killing anybody.  But if you've seen footage of them taking out seals on the beaches of Peninsula Valdes in Argentina, or if you're were a herring, you may agree with the name...
A (Non-human) Killer Whale
Dolphins: Very Quick

Porthole Flooding

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