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Norwegian Sea
A South African's thoughts and experiences up north

Monday, May 23, 2011

More Rough Seas

As you may have gathered from the sudden spate of postings, I don't have much to do at the moment now that I don't have to look vaguely scientifically important 12 hours a day.  Good thing too, because this ship is rocking.  I've definitely got my sea legs on though, and I'm actually quite enjoying it now.  It does get a little tiring, but on the plus side its nice to be rocked around while lying in the sauna or watching a movie.

I think these pictures are slightly better than my last attempts to capture the rough weather (at the moment there are 70km/h winds and a little over 4m swell).  Anyway, I give up after these.  This first one was taken from the bridge, which is four floors or so above the deck.  It wasn't raining when I took this shot.
Wave Spray
 Taken from the movie room, on deck level, the blue colour in this wave reminds me of the icebergs I used to see in Newfoundland round this time of year.
Blue Wave
The waves radiating out from the ship clash with the waves coming in from the sea, creating quite a nice effect.  Earlier in the day when the sun was shining it was creating mini rainbows in the mist.  Didn't have my camera though.
Clapping Waves
Finally, after I got the first mate to use the windscreen wipers, I took this sequence:

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